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Research Article
Research Article
May 2015

Adolescent Outcomes of Children With Early Speech Sound Disorders With and Without Language Impairment

Publication: American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Volume 24, Number 2
Pages 150-163



In this study, the authors determined adolescent speech, language, and literacy outcomes of individuals with histories of early childhood speech sound disorders (SSD) with and without comorbid language impairment (LI) and examined factors associated with these outcomes.


This study used a prospective longitudinal design. Participants with SSD (n = 170), enrolled at early childhood (4–6 years) were followed at adolescence (11–18 years) and were compared to individuals with no histories of speech or language impairment (no SSD; n = 146) on measures of speech, language, and literacy. Comparisons were made between adolescents with early childhood histories of no SSD, SSD only, and SSD plus LI as well as between adolescents with no SSD, resolved SSD, and persistent SSD.


Individuals with early childhood SSD with comorbid LI had poorer outcomes than those with histories of SSD only or no SSD. Poorer language and literacy outcomes in adolescence were associated with multiple factors, including persistent speech sound problems, lower nonverbal intelligence, and lower socioeconomic status. Adolescents with persistent SSD had higher rates of comorbid LI and reading disability than the no SSD and resolved SSD groups.


Risk factors for language and literacy problems in adolescence include an early history of LI, persistent SSD, lower nonverbal cognitive ability, and social disadvantage.

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Information & Authors


Published In

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Volume 24Number 2May 2015
Pages: 150-163
PubMed: 25569242


  • Received: Oct 23, 2014
  • Revised: Oct 23, 2014
  • Accepted: Oct 27, 2014
  • Published in issue: May 1, 2015


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Barbara A. Lewis
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Lisa Freebairn
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Jessica Tag
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Allison A. Ciesla
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Sudha K. Iyengar
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Catherine M. Stein
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
H. Gerry Taylor
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH


Disclosure: The authors have declared that no competing interests existed at the time of publication.
Correspondence to Barbara A. Lewis: [email protected]
Editor: Krista Wilkinson
Associate Editor: Lynn Williams

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