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Review Article
June 2015

It Is Time to Rethink Central Auditory Processing Disorder Protocols for School-Aged Children

Publication: American Journal of Audiology
Volume 24, Number 2
Pages 124-136



The purpose of this article is to review the literature that pertains to ongoing concerns regarding the central auditory processing construct among school-aged children and to assess whether the degree of uncertainty surrounding central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) warrants a change in current protocols.


Methodology on this topic included a review of relevant and recent literature through electronic search tools (e.g., ComDisDome, PsycINFO, Medline, and Cochrane databases); published texts; as well as published articles from the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology; the American Journal of Audiology; the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research; and Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools.


This review revealed strong support for the following: (a) Current testing of CAPD is highly influenced by nonauditory factors, including memory, attention, language, and executive function; (b) the lack of agreement regarding the performance criteria for diagnosis is concerning; (c) the contribution of auditory processing abilities to language, reading, and academic and listening abilities, as assessed by current measures, is not significant; and (d) the effectiveness of auditory interventions for improving communication abilities has not been established.


Routine use of CAPD test protocols cannot be supported, and strong consideration should be given to redirecting focus on assessing overall listening abilities. Also, intervention needs to be contextualized and functional. A suggested protocol is provided for consideration. All of these issues warrant ongoing research.

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Published In

American Journal of Audiology
Volume 24Number 2June 2015
Pages: 124-136
PubMed: 25652246


  • Received: Jul 31, 2014
  • Revised: Dec 10, 2014
  • Accepted: Jan 11, 2015
  • Published in issue: Jun 1, 2015


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David A. DeBonis
The College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY


Disclosure: The author has declared that no competing interests existed at the time of publication.
Correspondence to David A. DeBonis: [email protected]
Editor and Associate Editor: Larry Humes

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