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Technical Report
22 June 2017

Enhancing Intervention for Residual Rhotic Errors Via App-Delivered Biofeedback: A Case Study

Publication: Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Volume 60, Number 6S
Pages 1810-1817



Recent research suggests that visual-acoustic biofeedback can be an effective treatment for residual speech errors, but adoption remains limited due to barriers including high cost and lack of familiarity with the technology. This case study reports results from the first participant to complete a course of visual-acoustic biofeedback using a not-for-profit iOS app, Speech Therapist's App for /r/ Treatment.


App-based biofeedback treatment for rhotic misarticulation was provided in weekly 30-min sessions for 20 weeks. Within-treatment progress was documented using clinician perceptual ratings and acoustic measures. Generalization gains were assessed using acoustic measures of word probes elicited during baseline, treatment, and maintenance sessions.


Both clinician ratings and acoustic measures indicated that the participant significantly improved her rhotic production accuracy in trials elicited during treatment sessions. However, these gains did not transfer to generalization probes.


This study provides a proof-of-concept demonstration that app-based biofeedback is a viable alternative to costlier dedicated systems. Generalization of gains to contexts without biofeedback remains a challenge that requires further study. App-delivered biofeedback could enable clinician–research partnerships that would strengthen the evidence base while providing enhanced treatment for children with residual rhotic errors.

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Information & Authors


Published In

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Volume 60Number 6S22 June 2017
Pages: 1810-1817
PubMed: 28655050


  • Received: Jun 15, 2016
  • Revised: Sep 29, 2016
  • Accepted: Nov 16, 2016
  • Published in issue: Jun 22, 2017


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Tara McAllister Byun
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University
Heather Campbell
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University
Helen Carey
Tandon School of Engineering, New York University
Wendy Liang
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University
Tae Hong Park
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University
Mario Svirsky
Langone Medical Center, New York University


Disclosure: The authors have declared that no competing interests existed at the time of publication.
Correspondence to Tara McAllister Byun: [email protected]
Editor: Yana Yunusova
Associate Editor: Ignatius Nip

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