How to Document Scientific and Clinical Impact of Research: Six Steps to Success
Research is conducted, published, read and cited—but also tweeted, blogged, posted, shared, commented on, uploaded, downloaded, bookmarked, and followed. (Wasike, 2021, p. 416)
Term | Definition |
Altmetric | A company that provides metadata (alternative metrics) to institutions and to academic platforms (proper noun) |
altmetrics | Commonly used as a collective term to refer to alternative metrics (not a proper noun) |
alternative metrics | Metadata digitally extracted from publications and presentations to indicate the reach and significance or impact of clinical or scientific research |
author metrics | Data representing the authors contributions to science or research |
bibliometric data | The data that represent the number of publications, number of citations, and so on |
bibliometrics | The practice of using statistical methods to describe publication data |
citations | The practice of giving credit to another author by citing another author for their ideas or for quoting their material |
citation metrics | Data representing the number of citations within a certain time frame |
clinical impact | The extent to which recommendations based on empirical evidence has reached clinical practice and/or influenced policy |
impact | The action (reach and significance) that occurs because of exposure to or education about something |
journal metrics | Data representing the value of the journal in providing information or contributing to science or research |
metrics | Quantitative measures or indicators used to track performance |
scientific impact | The influence that a publication or research finding has on science or on society |
Making Sense of Metrics
Metric | Metric name | Definition | Example | Explanation |
Journal metrics | Journal impact factor (JIF) | Average number of times articles published in a specific journal have been cited in the past 2 years | JIF (2019) for JSLHR = 1,873 | Numerator = number of articles published in 2017 + 2018 Denominator = 2 |
5-year journal impact factor (5Y-JIF) | Average number of times articles published in a specific journal have been cited in the past 5 years | 5Y JIF (2019) for JSLHR = 2.242 | Numerator = number of articles published in 2014 + 2015 + 2016 + 2017 + 2018 Denominator = 5 | |
Journal immediacy index (JII) | Average number of citations for articles published in the current year divided by the total number of articles from the current year | JII (2019) for JSLHR = 0.374 | Numerator = number of citations of articles published in 2019 Denominator = number of articles published in 2019 | |
Cited half-life | Median age of a journal's articles that were cited for a specific year | JSLHR's cited half-life for 2019 = 10.8 y | Half of JSLHR's articles cited in 2019 were published in the past X years | |
Citing half-life | Median age of the citations produced by a journal during a specific year | JSLHR's citing half-life for 2019 = 12.2 y | Half of the citations produced by JSLHR in 2019 | |
Article metrics | Citation count | Number of times the work was cited in other works | Citation Count for the Smith & Weber (2017) article published in JSLHR = 90 | Total number of citations for the Smith & Weber (2017) article as of 09/01/21 |
Field-weighted impact count | Average number of citations received by similar articles over the same period of time | FW-IC = 1 | Average number of citations for similar articles as of 09/01/21 | |
Author metrics | h index | Number of publications that have a citation number equal to or greater than h for a given author | h index = 8 | If an author has 10 publications and 8 of them have been cited 8 times or more, the h index would be 8 |
g index | The unique largest number that the top g publications together at least g 2 citations | g index = 10 | Top 10 publications have been citated at least 100 times (102) | |
m quotient | Average h index over the number of researchers' publishing career | h index/n = .8 | Average h index (8) over a 10-year publishing career |
Journal Metrics
Article Metrics
Author Metrics
Alternative Metrics (Altmetrics)
Variable | Metric name | Definition | Platform |
Usage | Clicks | Number of clicks or shares | Kudos |
Downloads | The total number of times an item (PDF) has been downloaded | Figshare, Kudos, Publons | |
Reads | Number of clicks on the read publication button | Kudos, Publons | |
Views | Number of abstract views on a platform | Figshare, Kudos | |
All Readers Welcome | Reading level of your writing that is easily understood at a grade level of n and above based on its abstracts and titles | Impactstory | |
Open Access | The percentage of your research that is free to read online | Impactstory | |
Open Hero | All your publications are free to read online | Impactstory | |
Open License | Percentage of your research with a public domain license | Impactstory | |
Open Science Triathlete | Win times 3—open access paper, open data set, open-source software | Impactstory | |
Software Reuse | Your research software is open access | Impactstory | |
Engagement | Share | Number of share referrals | Figshare, Kudos |
Tweets | Number of times the research output has been tweeted | Kudos | |
Recommendations | The count of the recommendations made on a platform | Publons | |
Big in Japan | Your work was saved or shared by someone in Japan | Impactstory | |
Follower Frenzy | Someone with n followers has tweeted your research | Impactstory | |
Global Reach | Your research has been saved and shared in n countries | Impactstory | |
Global South | Of people who save and share your research, n% are in the global south | Impactstory | |
Kind of a Big Deal | Your research has been tweeted by n scientists who are considered Big Deals on Twitter | Impactstory | |
Rickroll | You have been tweeted by a person named Richard | Impactstory | |
Wikitastic | Your research is mentioned in n Wikipedia articles | Impactstory | |
Attention | Altmetric Attention Score | An indicator of the amount of attention a research output has received—derived from a complicated algorithm; score is influenced by quantity of posts mentioning an output and quality of the posts source | Figshare, Kudos |
Clean Sweep | Every publication (on ORCID) published since 2012 has been saved and shared online | Impactstory | |
Greatest Hit | Top publication has been saved and share n times | Impactstory | |
Hot Streak | Consecutive months count that someone has shared your research online | Impactstory | |
Citations | Beamplot | Web of Science Author Impact Plot advantageous for promotion and tenure applications | Publons |
Citations | Number of citations from all publications, number of citations for individual publications, average citations per document, average citations per year | Figshare, Google Scholar, Kudos, Publons | |
Global impact plot | Plot depicting number of citations across the globe, very advantageous in demonstrating global author impact | Publons | |
h index | Number of publications that have a citation number equal to or greater than h for a given author (i.e., if an author has 10 publications and 8 of them have been cited 8 times or more, the h index would be 8) | Google Scholar, Publons | |
i10 index | Number of publications with at least 10 citations | Google Scholar |
Platform | Purpose | Benefits | Altmetric reported |
Figshare | Designed to allow researchers to keep all research outputs in one place—including data sets, software code, publications, with open access options | • Upload, share, cite, and preserve all research outputs • Generate DOI for presentations and preprint manuscripts • Discover other researchers open access outputs • Secure long-term preservation of data | • Altmetric Attention Score • Downloads • Views • Citations |
Impactstory | Designed as a free, open-source code, open data, and open access website that interfaces with ORCID and Scopus to help researchers explore and share the impact of their research | • Nonprofit foundations • Developed with radical transparency and open communication • Interfaces with ORCID • Provides access to citing research articles • Linked to Facebook posts, blog posts, Wikipedia articles, etc. • Interfaced to Twitter so research can be easily shared • Funded by the National Science Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation | • All Readers Welcome • Open Access • Open Hero • Open License • Open Science Triathlete • Software Reuse • Big in Japan • Follower Frenzy • Global Reach • Global South • Kind of a Big Deal • Rickroll • Wikitastic • Greatest Hit • Clean Sweep • Hot Steak |
Google Scholar | Google Scholar Profiles provides a simple way for authors to showcase their academic publications. Tools enable an author to see who is citing their articles, to graph citations over time and to compute other citation metrics. | • Readily available to other researchers • Easily accessible • Can follow other researchers • No login required | • Citations • h index • i10 index |
Kudos | Kudos was developed to facilitate the visibility of academic presentations and publications through dissemination across multiple venues. | • Focused on visibility and dissemination • Partners with Altmetric, CrossRef, and ORCID • Links to Europe PubMed Central • Collaborates with Editorial Manager to allow author to enter a plain language summary when they submit their paper for publication | • Altmetric Attention Score • Clicks • Downloads • Reads • Views • Share referrals • Tweets • Citations |
Publons | Publons was developed to allow authors to track peer publication reviews and grant reviews as evidence of service in addition to tracking publications, citations, and journal editing all in one place. | • Free to peer reviewers • Links with Web of Science, ORCID, and citation management software such as EndNote, Zotero, or Mendeley | • Downloads • Reads • Recommendations • Beamplot • Global Impact Plot • h index |
Academic Platforms and Researcher Profiles
Six Simple Steps in Documenting Clinical Impact of Research
Step 1. Create an ORCID Account
Step 2. Identify Suitable Academic Platforms and Establish Research Profiles
Platform | Unique feature and benefits summary |
Figshare | Figshare is part of the Digital Science portfolio and serves as a repository where researchers or other users can make all their outputs available to the wider community in a citable, shareable, and discoverable manner. Figshare provides an alternative venue for difficult to cite media such as videos, data sets, presentations, and infographics. Once the research product is uploaded and edited with identifying information, the product can be published. When it is published, it is available to the public, and a DOI is generated and attached to the publication. This research product can be added to ORCID via the API. Once the connection is established, the API has bidirectional synchronization allowing population of the ORCID record to Figshare and vice versa. Files can be dragged and dropped to populate Figshare. Figshare can also be linked to Impactstory. |
Impactstory | Impactstory is a not-for-profit open-source tool owned by OurResearch ( It is a project supported by the National Science Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation with the primary aim to highlight the impact of Open Science activities. One of their goals is to promote nontraditional research outputs (e.g., data sets, code, blogs, and infographics) by showcasing them and reporting metrics beyond traditional citation data. Traditional publications included in the ORCID record are factored into Impactstory's achievements. You can discover the online impact of your research by logging in to Impactstory with your Twitter or ORCID login information. Application programming interfaces with ORCID and Twitter allow for easily accessible communication among the platforms. See Figure 1 for an Impactstory profile example. |
Kudos | Kudos is like Impactstory and Figshare in that it was developed to help researchers ensure publications get found, read, and cited. This platform is focused on accelerating impact of scientific and clinical research products by making them more accessible to the public. The Kudos platform focuses on the way that the research story is told and facilitates circulation to stakeholders through a unique dissemination strategy. For each publication, the author has the option of adding a plain language title, a statement describing what it is about and why it is important in lay language, and an author's perspective. Kudos reports they are the only platform disseminating across multiple networks and channels and the only platform to aggregate the most relevant metrics in one place with a map of outreach activities. When the researcher creates a research profile, the option of importing data from ORCID is presented. Optional links are also available for Academia, Facebook, LinkedIn, Mendeley, ResearchGate, Twitter, WeChat, Weibo, and YouTube platforms. A Kudos public profile is shown in Figure 2. |
Publons | Publons ( is part of the Clarivate Web of Science family. The Publons website has training modules for individuals who wish to learn how to review journal articles. Publons purports that recognition of an individual's completion of a journal article review is advantageous because (a) it can be verified and documented on a CV and (b) it increases review invitation rates and decreases turnaround time. High-quality journal article reviews receive their own DOIs, making them permanently citable and indexable additions to a CV. Publons has a feature where researchers can export their CV directly from Publons. In addition, it has a direct link for easy import to the EndNote citation management software. Reviews completed for journals are not public and are not shared; however, they are verified, a service proving to be of value for promotion and tenure portfolio documentation. Publons' primary aim is to provide accountability for and recognition of journal article reviews; however, their platform also includes a dashboard and the ability to track publications, citation metrics, peer review of journal articles, and journal editing work in one place. Researchers can link their Publons account to their ORCID account, giving them the option of automatically transferring their review records (with documentation of the manuscript review and the review content hidden) to their ORCID record as a one-time option or automatically when Publons is updated. This link is bidirectional. Researchers can also depict the scientific or clinical impact of research by including the Web of Science Author Impact Beamplot (see Figure 3) in promotional and tenure applications. |
Step 3. Engage in Broad Dissemination Strategies
Step 4. Harvest Bibliometric and Altmetric Data
Step 5. Add Bibliometric and Altmetric Data to CV
Category of research outputs | Reference example |
Peer-reviewed publications | Author, A. (Year). Title in sentence case. Journal Name in Title Case Italicized. Vol. #(issue #), page#–page#. 5 /Citations: 4 /Twitter mentions: 21 /Mendeley bookmarks: 22 /Facebook shares |
Non–peer-reviewed publications | Author, A. (Year). Title in sentence case. Publication Magazine in Title Case Italicized. Vol. #(issue #), page#–page#. 3 /Citations: 14 /Twitter mentions: 17 /Mendeley bookmarks: 22 /Facebook shares |
National or international presentations | Author, A. (Year, Conference Dates). Title in sentence case italicized [conference Presentation]. Conference Name, Location. 2 Citations: 21 /Twitter mentions: 1 /Mendeley bookmarks: 121 /Facebook shares |
Individual audio podcast episode | Author, A. (Host). (Year, Month Day). Title of the audio podcast (No. Episode number) [Audio podcast episode]. In Podcast name. Production Company. URL 4 /Twitter mentions: 22 /Facebook shares |
Individual video podcast episode | Author, A. (Host). (Year, Month Day). Title of the video podcast (No. Episode number) [Video podcast episode]. In Podcast name. Production Company. URL 22 /Twitter mentions: 4 /Facebook shares |
Individual Instagram live episode | Author, A. (or Username). “Title of the Instagram Live video.” Instagram, other contributors, (Year, Month Day). URL 15 /Twitter mentions: 6 /Retweets: 6 /Facebook shares |
Audio podcast series | Author, A. (Host). (Year–present if active, or year–year if inactive). Title of video podcast [Audio podcast]. Production Company. URL 22 /Twitter mentions: 8 /Retweets: 13 /Facebook shares |
Video podcast series | Author, A. (Host). (Year–present if active, or year–year if inactive). Title of video podcast [Video podcast]. Production Company. URL |
Individual blog post | Author, A. ({complete date of posts} (Year, Month Day). Title of individual blog post. Site name (if applicable). URL to specific post 3 /Citations: 14 /Twitter mentions: 22 /Facebook shares |
Social media outreach | Lab Webpage Name, URL link, (Year, Month published). XX Hits, XX Bookmarks, or XX other altmetric data. 3 /Citations: 3/Twitter mentions: 27 /Facebook shares Twitter: @ [Your Research or Lab Page Twitter Handle]. Number of Followers: XXX Author, A. (Host). (Year–present if active, or year–year if inactive). Title of video podcast [Audio podcast]. Production Company. URL 7 /Twitter mentions Author, A. (or Username). “Title of the Instagram Live video.” Instagram, other contributors (Year, Month Day). URL 9 /Twitter mentions |
Patents | Author, A. (Year patent issued.) Title of invention (Country Patent number), filed (Month Day, Year) and issued (Month Day, Year). |
Products or other deliverables | Author, A. (Year). Title of Product. Location of Publisher: Publishing Co. URL to access product. # Clicks Author, A. (Year). Title of clinical tool or other resource. Brief description of tool. URL # Clicks |
Interviews with media | Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Interview by First Name Last Name. Publication Information. Medium. URL (if applicable). XXXX audience views/downloads from [date range]. |
Media mentions about research (separate section on CV) | Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of Article. Publication information, URL if applicable [brief description of your article that was highlighted]. XXXX audience views/downloads from [date range]. |
Media mentions about research (included as part of citation in your traditional publication list) | Author, A. (Year). Title in sentence case. Journal Name in Title Case Italicized 1(1), 1–21.* 5 /Citations: 4 /Twitter mentions: 21 /Mendeley bookmarks: 22 /Facebook shares *This publication was highlighted by the media. Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of Article. Publication information, URL if applicable. XXXX audience views/downloads from [date range]. |
Step 6. Submit Tenure and Promotion Packet With Confidence
A Call to Action for Tenure and Promotion Committees/Committee Members
Pros and Cons of Bibliometric Data
Pros and Cons of Altmetric Data
Information & Authors
Published In
- Received: Sep 13, 2021
- Revised: Dec 14, 2021
- Accepted: Jan 11, 2022
- Published online: Mar 18, 2022
- Published in issue: Jun 13, 2022
Metrics & Citations
Article Metrics
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Citing Literature
- Mona Ghannad, Anna Catharina V. Armond, Jeremy Y. Ng, Ana Patricia Ayala, Hassan Khan, Maura R. Grossman, Gordon V. Cormack, Ba Pham, Mariska M. Leeflang, Patrick M. Bossuyt, Karim M. Khan, Clare L. Ardern, David Moher, Open science interventions proposed or implemented to assess researcher impact: a scoping review, F1000Research, 10.12688/f1000research.140556.1, 12, (1396), (2023).
- Brenda Louw, Introduction: An International Perspective on Clinical Research in Speech-Language Pathology Cleft Care, Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 10.1044/2023_PERSP-23-00089, 8, 5, (955-958), (2023).
- Trina D. Spencer, Clinical Impact of Research: Introduction to the Forum, Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 10.1044/2022_PERSP-22-00012, 7, 3, (647-650), (2022).
- Meghan M. Davidson, Nidhi Mahendra, Nannette Nicholson, Creating Clinical Research Impact Through Social Media: Five Easy Steps to Get Started, Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 10.1044/2022_PERSP-21-00208, 7, 3, (669-678), (2022).