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SIG 16 School-Based Issues
7 December 2023

Overcoming the Research–Practice Gap: Key Considerations for Speech-Language Pathologists Related to Multitiered Systems of Support

Publication: Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups
Volume 8, Number 6
Pages 1-17



This tutorial highlights the challenges and opportunities school-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs) face related to engagement with the multitiered systems of support (MTSS) framework in their public school work practices. It positions SLP involvement in MTSS as an area where a gap between research and practice exists and highlights key ways for SLPs to overcome barriers to support student success within this framework.


This tutorial provides a general description of the MTSS framework and highlights the immediate applicability of the framework to SLP school practices. Key considerations are offered for SLPs ready to take concrete steps related to implementing the MTSS framework. Hypothetical cases are used to illustrate how school-based SLPs can use these considerations to guide meaningful but realistic changes.


Ongoing concerns about the impact of the pandemic on student outcomes and growing awareness of systemic inequities in education are prompting SLPs to move beyond asking if they should be involved in MTSS to focusing on how they should be engaged with this framework. This tutorial provides five key considerations for SLPs to realistically deepen their engagement with MTSS and overcome the research–practice gap in this area.


This tutorial provides a resource for SLPs to take concrete and immediate steps to support at-risk students through MTSS given the needs at this unique moment in time when concerns about learning loss and achievement gaps are front and center in public schools.

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Information & Authors


Published In

Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups
Volume 8Number 67 December 2023
Pages: 1-17


  • Received: May 16, 2023
  • Revised: Jul 20, 2023
  • Accepted: Jul 27, 2023
  • Published online: Oct 16, 2023


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Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Montclair State University, Bloomfield, NJ


Disclosure: The author receives royalties for the sale of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Implementation Tools for Speech-Language Pathologists in Education. In 2022, the author received an honorarium from ASHA Schools Connect to speak on a related topic.
Correspondence to Lesley Sylvan: [email protected]
Editor-in-Chief: Monique T. Mills
Editor: Emily A. Diehm

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